Sunday, January 24, 2010

Okay, time for an update. I haven't been updating very much because I don't like to censor my thoughts. The truth is, I'm pregnant. 2nd trimester pregnant. I honestly didn't want to let people know because I was so excited that they couldn't tell on their own. This pregnancy is so different from my first. I started getting sick around 6 weeks. I had been watching another baby three days a week, but I had to stop because it was too hard to watch him, Apple, and try to convince myself not to throw up. During week 7, I finally lost that battle. The problem is, once I start getting sick, I can't stop. It happens very punctually. I got sick the first time at 9:30. Then at 10:30, then I called A and asked him to be home by 11:30. The same thing happened with Apple. I got sick every hour for 30 hours, called my OB and went to the ER. This time, I did not wait 30 hours. So, we went to the ER, and I got medication, and things eventually got better. After that, I wasn't nearly as sick as with Apple. I took one Zofran in the morning, and then I had no problem eating the rest of meals and even COOKING this time! And it completely stopped being an issue around week 10. Amazing!

Apple is doing very well. She has 8 1/2 teeth. The 1/2 being a molar. Yuck! I don't look forward to when it's brother makes an appearance! Apple was extraordinarily cranky and the diapers, well that's not proper blog material. We, of course, think she's a genius. She has this elephant that has different shapes that you put in the corresponding shapes. It rotates. Apple is very good at spinning the part around until she finds the correct shape, and then she puts in in the elephant. We think this makes her a genius because we remember not so long ago when she couldn't do anything. It's so amazing to see her grow!

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