In other news, I am in week 37 of my pregnancy. It seems so odd to only have 3 weeks left. With Apple, I was getting ready to conduct a concert and arguing with my OB on why I should be allowed to have the concert instead of going on bed rest. I was also thinking that I really wanted to have the baby early (as long as it was after the concert!) This time around, I'm less anxious to have the baby. I'm trying really hard to have everything ready by the 20th of July. After that, the baby can come whenever. If baby takes its time, that's fine. I wouldn't mind having the rest! If baby comes early, that's fine too. I'm close to having everything ready, but I always feel like I don't have enough food prepared and frozen. And believe me, I have a LOT of frozen meals already. It still just doesn't seem like it's enough. And I still need to make and freeze loaves of bread. Baby clothes are washed, nursery is basically ready. I just keep chipping away at things. I would like to have everything ready early so I can relax as it gets closer. So far, I'm on schedule. I didn't gain any weight in the 3rd trimester at all until this past week when I put on 4 (That's right, FOUR) lbs. in 2 days. Yuck! Can you say water weight? I hope that trend doesn't continue!
I did want to post this picture of my touching the ground during week 37. When I would comment in my 2nd trimester about how I was surprised that I could still touch my toes (especially since this is a recent development anyway!) several people said, just wait until you're... Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm now... and look! I'm very pleased about this! Especially since being limber is supposed to help with labor. I do realize that it isn't exactly a flattering angle and my feet are swollen, but I still wanted the proof!