Friday, March 12, 2010

Conversations from our adventures

Me: Apple, are you all done? (after completely demolishing everything on her plate)
Apple: Noooo
Me: Do you want a banana?
Apple: Noooo
Me: Are you trying to be difficult?
Apple: Yeah.

Me: Spit that out and give that to Mama. We don't take stuff out of the trash and eat it.

George: I'm going to go transfer stuff from the car to the van and then check out the DVD system.
Me: If I go out there an hour from now and you're asleep in the van, I'm going to kick you as hard as I can, and then blame you for my foot hurting.
George: It took me a minute to figure out why your foot would hurt.

Apple: Ah-pees? (Puppies)
Me: I think the puppies are inside because it's too wet outside.

Ultrasound technician: Wow! You can really feel this one kick already, can't you! (After seeing where my placenta is)

Me: Apple, do you want to have a chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven? (I turn to hand her the cookie)
Me: Apple! Why did you take the biggest cookie from the plate on the table and crumble the chocolate all over your hands, shirt, and face?

Me: Do you want to go outside?
Apple: Sah? Outside! Outside!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our baby is so big. I have new pictures, but I keep waiting for George to download them for me. We have so many wires around the house that I honestly have no idea which one goes with what. Apple changes so quickly! A few days ago, I had given her an individual package of Teddy Grahams. She sat in the floor and ate them all (with the exception of two, that we both given to me) and then stood up, walked over to the trash, opened it, and put in the empty bag!!!! I couldn't believe it! And then I immediately thought, "Uh-oh! I wonder what else has gone missing that is now in the trash??!!!" I don't think she's put anything in there that doesn't belong. I've now seen her put tissues and empty bags in the trash, but that's all.

Two weekends ago, the weather was fairly nice. George and I decided to take Apple to the playground at the school by our house. It was actually Apple's first time at a playground! I never took her before because I was waiting until she could walk, and then it was too cold. She was so funny! She wouldn't walk on the little chips thingies that were cover the ground. She just stood there flapping her arms. Perhaps she thought she could fly! Then we let her go down the slide and she loved that! Everytime she got down to the bottom, her face would form an "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH" I tried to get that on camera, but as soon as it flashed the oh disappeared!

Last weekend, George and I went on the marriage retreat and he took that Friday off. It was nice because for the first time since Apple was born, I had the ability to make an appointment at the hairdresser that I actually like. I never get to go there, because I never know when I'll be able to go, so I always have to go someplace where I don't need an appointment. My haircut turned out very nice (compliments out the wazoo!) and I now have long bangs. Then we took Apple to the playyard at a mall close to us that is very kid friendly. She really had a blast, and we had great family time! We had some friends who were very helpful by volunteering to watch Apple that night, so we were able to get away. It was the second time that Apple has stayed overnight without us. She did fantastic! And thanks so much to our friends!

Today, another friend needed us to watch her daughter, so Apple had a playdate. Playdates are so good for her, because, to be honest, she's a poopy sharer. George thinks she gets that from me. But I share! As long as it's not chocolate, ice cream, or cupcakes! Apple didn't want to share any of her toys for the first 15 minutes, and then, Halleluia! she started sharing! There is hope yet! When I was trying to get lunch ready, Apple was staying very close to me, because she was hungry. The other little girl started walking towards Apple with her arms wide open and a smile on her face. What does my little girl do? She get this utterly panicked look on her face. The other girl hugs her, and she starts crying and trying to get away. They both end up on the floor with Apple screaming. The other girl has this look of, "what's going on?" and then decides that it's best to start crying too. And that's when I decided that they should have goldfish before eating lunch.

It's very nice outside today, so I think Apple and I will spend some time in the fresh air!