Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why I Could Never Have A Personal Trainer

Today, I went and ran at the gym. Now, in my gym, there are treadmills with personal tv screens, and they are placed against the wall, so you can see the weight machines, exercise rooms, everything. It's not uncommon to see a person working with their personal trainer, and usually they're doing stuff like lunges across the gym. That is enough to not want a personal trainer. I don't want to parade my workout in front of others. Now, I know some people would say, "No one is watching you. Everyone works out because they are all in the same boat. Blah, blah, blah." However, these "people" clearly have never seen into my mind as I watch the lungers go down, two, up, two, down, two, up, two. (I think all sorts of things!) Today, I saw something that really settled the fact that I will never put my workout on display by getting a trainer. A chunky woman was going all over the gym, multiple times, sweating and huffing and puffing and struggling to pull her trainer behind her. The trainer was squatting in an almost sitting position on a cart with wheels. Yep, no trainer for this girl!

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